Strontium citrate is more readily absorbed than strontium
carbonate, just as calcium citrate is more readily absorbed than calcium
carbonate. If you eat food when you take calcium carbonate, you can get around
the absorption problem, but, for best absorption, strontium should be taken on
an empty stomach. You must not take food, supplements, or antacids containing
calcium or magnesium within two hours of taking strontium because calcium and
magnesium compete for absorption with strontium. For best absorption, strontium
should be taken on an empty stomach.
Some people cannot take citrate products due to digestive
problems. They may be interested in one of the following two strontium
carbonate products.
Strontium Piperine contains 680 mg strontium (as strontium carbonate) and BioPiperine (black pepper extract) in two tablets. Piperine
improves absorption.
2. OsteoValin
by Basic Research contains 400 IU vitamin D, 80 mcg vitamin K, and 1012 mg Osteoval
Carbonate Forte Proprietary Blend of strontium carbonate, Quercetin, and Hesperidin in
Quercetin and Hesperidin are flavonoids. Flavonoids
are generally considered beneficial anti-oxidants, but there is some
controversy about Quercetin. An FDA study on rats found Quercetin to be
mutagenic. Other studies indicate it works to prevent cancer. Quercetin is also
an anti-histamine and an anti-inflammatory. I found a website with references
and a balanced discussion on the pros and cons of Quercetin at
Hesperidin is a flavonoid found in citrus fruits. It is part of vitamin P. As a powerful anti-oxidant, it has many benefits from retarding the aging process to helping the body detoxify carcinogens.
Hesperidin is a flavonoid found in citrus fruits. It is part of vitamin P. As a powerful anti-oxidant, it has many benefits from retarding the aging process to helping the body detoxify carcinogens.
I am not aware of any specific benefit to bones for
either Quercetin or Hesperidin.