Skeleton Pirate

Skeleton Pirate
Artist: LindaB


Have you experienced negative, and even dangerous, side effects from Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva (ibandronate), Actonel (risedronate), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Prolia (denosumab), Forteo (teriparatide), Tymlos (abaloparatide), or other drugs prescribed for osteoporosis? If you have, then rest assured there is a safe, effective treatment for this condition. Strontium, primarily in the form of strontium citrate, is taken orally once a day.

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Monday, December 21, 2015

Strontium Carbonate Products

Strontium citrate is more readily absorbed than strontium carbonate, just as calcium citrate is more readily absorbed than calcium carbonate. If you eat food when you take calcium carbonate, you can get around the absorption problem, but, for best absorption, strontium should be taken on an empty stomach. You must not take food, supplements, or antacids containing calcium or magnesium within two hours of taking strontium because calcium and magnesium compete for absorption with strontium. For best absorption, strontium should be taken on an empty stomach.

Some people cannot take citrate products due to digestive problems. They may be interested in one of the following two strontium carbonate products. 
 BioStrong Strontium Piperine contains 680 mg strontium (as strontium carbonate) and BioPiperine (black pepper extract) in two tablets. Piperine improves absorption.

2.      OsteoValin by Basic Research contains 400 IU vitamin D, 80 mcg vitamin K, and 1012 mg Osteoval Carbonate Forte Proprietary Blend of strontium carbonate, Quercetin, and Hesperidin in one capsule. NEVER EXCEED 1 CAPSULE PER DAY.

Quercetin and Hesperidin are flavonoids. Flavonoids are generally considered beneficial anti-oxidants, but there is some controversy about Quercetin. An FDA study on rats found Quercetin to be mutagenic. Other studies indicate it works to prevent cancer. Quercetin is also an anti-histamine and an anti-inflammatory. I found a website with references and a balanced discussion on the pros and cons of Quercetin at

Hesperidin is a flavonoid found in citrus fruits. It is part of vitamin P. As a powerful anti-oxidant, it has many benefits from retarding the aging process to helping the body detoxify carcinogens.

I am not aware of any specific benefit to bones for either Quercetin or Hesperidin.


Cathy Moon said...

Hi BoneLady
I an 69 and was just diagnosed with OP with a pretty alarming spinal T score of -4.5. This despite regularly weight training with heavy weights and lugging home heavy bags of groceries on foot, walking 10k daily etc. Oh well...

I am absolutely terrified of all the OP drugs and am considering Stronium. Does stronium citrate upset the stomach? I seem to remember quitting calcium citrate for that reason. I live in Montreal and AOR is readily available while this one must be ordered from the U.S. What type of digestive issues does stronium citrate cause in your experience?

BoneLady said...

Hi Cathy,

Strontium citrate has never upset my stomach. It may have increased slightly the constipation I was already experiencing when I first started taking it. Since then, I have increased my fiber intake. I have been taking Sr citrate for more than 11 years and no longer suffer from constipation.

Calcium citrate and strontium citrate can cause constipation, upset stomach, and/or gas, but calcium carbonate and strontium carbonate are more likely to cause stomach ailments. Carbonate compounds may cause acid rebound, wherein the stomach overcompensates for the high dose of Ca or Sr carbonate, which is alkaline, by churning out more acid. People with a history of stomach ulcers may not tolerate carbonate compounds.

Sometimes, we just have to try something and see how it works for us because we are all different.

Wandering Skeleton

Wandering Skeleton
Artist: Joel Hoekstra

Osteoporotic Bone

Osteoporotic Bone

How Strontium Builds Bones

Strontium is a mineral that tends to accumulate in bone. Studies have shown that oral doses of strontium are a safe and effective way to prevent and reverse osteoporosis. Doses of 680 mg per day appear to be optimal. See my "For More Information About Strontium" links section.

Osteoporosis is caused by changes in bone production. In healthy young bones there is a constant cycle of new bone growth and bone removal. With age, more bone is removed and less new bone is produced. The bones become less dense and thus more fragile.

Scientists believe that strontium works in two ways. It may stimulate the replication of pre-osteoblasts, leading to an increase in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). Strontium also directly inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). The result is stronger bones.

When taking strontium, be sure to take 1200 mg calcium, 1000 IU vitamin D3, and 500 mg magnesium daily. It is best to take strontium late at night on an empty stomach. Calcium and strontium may compete with each other for absorption if taken together.