Skeleton Pirate

Skeleton Pirate
Artist: LindaB


Have you experienced negative, and even dangerous, side effects from Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva (ibandronate), Actonel (risedronate), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Prolia (denosumab), Forteo (teriparatide), Tymlos (abaloparatide), or other drugs prescribed for osteoporosis? If you have, then rest assured there is a safe, effective treatment for this condition. Strontium, primarily in the form of strontium citrate, is taken orally once a day.

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

From Osteoporosis to Osteopenia with Strontium Citrate

After five and a half years of taking strontium citrate (680 mg strontium daily), I went from osteoporosis to osteopenia. I was probably at the osteopenia stage much earlier, but I waited four years between my previous DEXA scan, which showed improvement at all sites but still left me with osteoporosis, and this one. My density increased 34% in the lumbar spine and 55% in the left hip! These numbers are phenomenal! Even if up to 50% of the change in BMD were attributed to the effect of strontium, which has a higher atomic number than calcium and will affect DEXA measurements, the numbers would still be great. My BMD is now 0.871 g/cm2 at the spine from L1- L4 (T-score -1.6), 0.692 g/cm2 at the left femoral neck (-1.4 T-score), and 0.775 g/cm2 at the left total hip (-1.4 T-score). Osteopenia is defined as T-scores < -1.0 and -2.5.


lilypads said...

Great news, BoneLady! Thanks for keeping me in the loop, and thanks for continuing your blog. I am spending a lot of time creating this page:

My initial interest in fluoride came because it's bad for bones, but after reading 7 books and hundreds of articles, I now know it's bad for the thyroid, the brain, glucose metabolism, and even for the teeth--and it does NOT reduce tooth decay. Water fluoridation was a scheme to get rid of thousands of tons of toxic fluoride waste created by metal refining and building atomic bombs. So if you are drinking fluoridated water or using fluoride toothpaste, you might want to reconsider.

I am still taking strontium, though I am not quite as consistent as I was for the first 5 years. But when I stop for more than a couple weeks, my sacroiliac pain returns. A few days on SC, and it's gone!

Kathy said...

Hi Bone Lady,


that's absolutely wonderful. You keep me inspired.

(I get my Vit D and blood Ca results this week!)


BoneLady said...


I'll check out your page on fluoride.

That's interesting about strontium citrate stopping your sacroiliac pain.

BoneLady said...


Keep me posted on your results.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news BoneLady!! Thanks for sharing--it's so good to hear from old friends. I'm very happy for you.


BoneLady said...


It's great to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your story. Keep us updated.

BoneLady said...

To: Anonymous of 9/10/2013,

I will. If you have a story to tell, I would love to read about it.

LoriE said...

That is fabulous news- you are always an inspiration to me! I have been taking strontium citrate for 18 months and hope to have the same success as you :)

BoneLady said...


I wish you much success. Keep me posted on your progress.

Anita said...

Congratulations, BoneLady! I am an enthusiastic follower of your blog.

Thanks to strontium citrate, I too improved my BMD from osteoporosis to osteopenia. My osteoporosis was not severe, but my numbers improved 5% in a year on SC, increasing to where they had been three years before. My osteoporosis doc was stunned; she was assuming after the DXA she was going to have to tell me to I needed to start taking one of the conventional drugs. "Improvement is not supposed to happen without pharmacological intervention," she said.

BTW, my late father-in-law, who chaired the department of pharmacology at a large New England medical school, told me that in 1965 a colleague of his had gone to the Mayo Clinic with severe osteoporosis and had been treated with strontium citrate, which he took for years.The fractures and pain stopped and he did fine.

BoneLady said...

Anita, Congratulations on going from osteoporosis to osteopenia! Many thanks for following my blog and for providing your history and that of your father-in-law’s colleague, who was treated with strontium for osteoporosis at the Mayo Clinic in 1965. I knew that the Mayo Clinic did some of the earliest research in the U.S. on strontium. In 1959, researchers at the Mayo Clinic investigated the effect of strontium in 32 individuals suffering from osteoporosis (McCaslin, F.E., Jr., and Janes, J.M. The effect of strontium lactate in the treatment of osteoporosis. Proc Staff Meetings Mayo Clin, 1959, 34:329-334). “Each patient received 1.7 grams of strontium per day as strontium lactate. Eighty-four percent of the patients reported marked relief of bone pain, and the remaining 16 percent experienced moderate improvement. No significant side effects were seen, even with prolonged (up to three years) administration of strontium. X-rays taken at the beginning and end of the study showed “probable” increased bone mass in 78 percent of the cases. This is not surprising, considering the symptomatic improvement reported by the patients. Unfortunately, measurement of bone mass in 1959 was pretty crude, leading the researchers to qualify their interpretation of the X-rays.” Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) scanning were not available at the time this study was conducted. Because of the “strontium scare” of the 1950s, little follow-up was conducted until nearly 30 years later.

It is sad, given the clinic’s history, that today the Mayo Clinic recommends only conventional therapy for osteoporosis.

Wandering Skeleton

Wandering Skeleton
Artist: Joel Hoekstra

Osteoporotic Bone

Osteoporotic Bone

How Strontium Builds Bones

Strontium is a mineral that tends to accumulate in bone. Studies have shown that oral doses of strontium are a safe and effective way to prevent and reverse osteoporosis. Doses of 680 mg per day appear to be optimal. See my "For More Information About Strontium" links section.

Osteoporosis is caused by changes in bone production. In healthy young bones there is a constant cycle of new bone growth and bone removal. With age, more bone is removed and less new bone is produced. The bones become less dense and thus more fragile.

Scientists believe that strontium works in two ways. It may stimulate the replication of pre-osteoblasts, leading to an increase in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). Strontium also directly inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). The result is stronger bones.

When taking strontium, be sure to take 1200 mg calcium, 1000 IU vitamin D3, and 500 mg magnesium daily. It is best to take strontium late at night on an empty stomach. Calcium and strontium may compete with each other for absorption if taken together.