Skeleton Pirate

Skeleton Pirate
Artist: LindaB


Have you experienced negative, and even dangerous, side effects from Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva (ibandronate), Actonel (risedronate), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Prolia (denosumab), Forteo (teriparatide), Tymlos (abaloparatide), or other drugs prescribed for osteoporosis? If you have, then rest assured there is a safe, effective treatment for this condition. Strontium, primarily in the form of strontium citrate, is taken orally once a day.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dieters Risk Bone Loss

"What happens to bones during weight loss?" " It depends on how you lose the weight. A study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis monitored two groups of people who lost a little more than one pound per month for a year. Half of them lost the weight by eating fewer calories, and the other half lost by increasing their physical activity. Despite the gradual rate of weight loss, the dieters lost bone mineral density from their spines and hips. The exercisers lost weight but not bone mass." For more on this subject, see


Dr. Bones said...

Lady, other than knowing how to drag-and-drop from other people's websites, I don't think you know any how to treat osteoporosis. You are advocating some quack medicine used in Europe (we do remember thalidomide) that's few American doctors eved heard of, let along actually use on the patients. If strontium was so good, why doesn't the FDA approve it? Why doesn't JAMA or the NEJM have articles proclaiming the greatness of Sr? Face it, lady, you're just another health nut hacking the latest nostrum. Why don't you just leave medicine to people with MD degees.

BoneLady said...

Dr. Bones, I doubt you are a physician. If you are, I feel sorry for your patients. My doctor is willing to wait and see if strontium citrate works for me before passing judgment. That is called "having an open mind," something you undoubtedly know nothing about. What do you suggest for your patients, assuming you have any, who have problems with bisphosphonates? Do you prescribe more pills for the esophogeal irritation they so often cause? Do you suggest your patients' excruciating pain is all in their heads or unrelated to bisphosphonates even though the FDA has issued an alert? Have you encountered jaw necrosis, or is your head buried in the sand on that issue as well?

Perhaps the FDA will approve a strontium drug some day. Osteologix is in Phase II clinical trials for strontium malonate.

The FDA does not approve strontium supplements. The University of California at Davis is recruiting for a clinical trial on strontium citrate.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bones,

For all I know, you may have a contribution to make to the discussion of strontium supplementation. But from what you write, it's not clear what that would be.

Your questions are the stuff of rant and rave and little more. Who has a financial interest in preserving the bisphosphanate market? Right, the big Pharma folks. So why would they push a strontium product? And what's wrong with the wealth of articles praising strontium ranalate that have appeared in peer reviewed professional journals around the world? Answer, nothing. Besides, as BoneLady has said, trials are underway on a strontium product right here in the good ol' USA.

As for your closing question (you left off the question mark)--it amounts to a self-refutation. Were you really an MD, the incompetence of your remarks explains precisely why medicine should not be left solely to MDs. There are many good doctors, but judging by your posts on this information rich site, I'm sorry but I can't possibly count you among them. Also, I don't see the need for such rudeness. What happened to your manners?

Till we meet again!


Anonymous said...

Dear MD Touters,Most of your "MD's" are trained in how to sell drugs by the pharmacuetical companies. The classes are sponsored by them. The MD's in our country have become drug pushers and do not take the time to read the side effects of the stuff they are pushing and the chance of any drug interactions. The FDA is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies. Wake up and read the literature.

Wandering Skeleton

Wandering Skeleton
Artist: Joel Hoekstra

Osteoporotic Bone

Osteoporotic Bone

How Strontium Builds Bones

Strontium is a mineral that tends to accumulate in bone. Studies have shown that oral doses of strontium are a safe and effective way to prevent and reverse osteoporosis. Doses of 680 mg per day appear to be optimal. See my "For More Information About Strontium" links section.

Osteoporosis is caused by changes in bone production. In healthy young bones there is a constant cycle of new bone growth and bone removal. With age, more bone is removed and less new bone is produced. The bones become less dense and thus more fragile.

Scientists believe that strontium works in two ways. It may stimulate the replication of pre-osteoblasts, leading to an increase in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). Strontium also directly inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). The result is stronger bones.

When taking strontium, be sure to take 1200 mg calcium, 1000 IU vitamin D3, and 500 mg magnesium daily. It is best to take strontium late at night on an empty stomach. Calcium and strontium may compete with each other for absorption if taken together.