Skeleton Pirate

Artist: LindaB
Have you experienced negative, and even dangerous, side effects from Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva (ibandronate), Actonel (risedronate), Reclast (zoledronic acid), Prolia (denosumab), Forteo (teriparatide), Tymlos (abaloparatide), or other drugs prescribed for osteoporosis? If you have, then rest assured there is a safe, effective treatment for this condition. Strontium, primarily in the form of strontium citrate, is taken orally once a day.
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Petition FDA To Add Strontium Citrate
I have just asked the FDA to consider adding strontium citrate to their Medline supplement index, which is a list of approved supplements. If you would like to email the FDA, click here:
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Wandering Skeleton

Artist: Joel Hoekstra
Osteoporotic Bone

How Strontium Builds Bones
Strontium is a mineral that tends to accumulate in bone. Studies have shown that oral doses of strontium are a safe and effective way to prevent and reverse osteoporosis. Doses of 680 mg per day appear to be optimal. See my "For More Information About Strontium" links section.
Osteoporosis is caused by changes in bone production. In healthy young bones there is a constant cycle of new bone growth and bone removal. With age, more bone is removed and less new bone is produced. The bones become less dense and thus more fragile.
Scientists believe that strontium works in two ways. It may stimulate the replication of pre-osteoblasts, leading to an increase in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). Strontium also directly inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). The result is stronger bones.
When taking strontium, be sure to take 1200 mg calcium, 1000 IU vitamin D3, and 500 mg magnesium daily. It is best to take strontium late at night on an empty stomach. Calcium and strontium may compete with each other for absorption if taken together.
Osteoporosis is caused by changes in bone production. In healthy young bones there is a constant cycle of new bone growth and bone removal. With age, more bone is removed and less new bone is produced. The bones become less dense and thus more fragile.
Scientists believe that strontium works in two ways. It may stimulate the replication of pre-osteoblasts, leading to an increase in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). Strontium also directly inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). The result is stronger bones.
When taking strontium, be sure to take 1200 mg calcium, 1000 IU vitamin D3, and 500 mg magnesium daily. It is best to take strontium late at night on an empty stomach. Calcium and strontium may compete with each other for absorption if taken together.
For More Information about Strontium
- A Dose-response Study With Strontium Malonate
- A Review of the latest insights into the mechanism of action of strontium in bone
- Antifracture Efficacy Over 10 Years With Strontium Ranelate
- Combination of Micronutrients for Bone (COMB) Study: Bone Density after Micronutrient Intervention
- Echolight REMS Scan of Young, Normal Female
- Effect of bone strontium on BMD measurements
- Effect of Lumbar Scoliosis on DXA Results
- Effects of SrR on Calcium Metabolism
- Effects of strontium ions on growth and dissolution of hydroxyapatite and on bone mineral detection
- Influence of strontium on bone mineral density and bone mineral content measurements by dual X-ray absorptiometry
- Interpretation of BMD Scans in Patients Stopping Strontium
- Melatonin-micronutrients Osteopenia Treatment Study (MOTS)
- National Osteoporosis Foundation
- Osteoporosis And Bone Physiology
- Post-Marketing Assessment of the Safety of Strontium Ranelate
- PubMed Abstract On The SOTI Study
- PubMed Abstract On The TROPOS Study
- Strontium ranelate Aristo
- Strontium Ranelate For Spinal Osteoarthritis
- Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
- Summary Safety Review - Strontium
- The Influence of Strontium on Bone Tissue Metabolism and Its Application in Osteoporosis Treatment
- Thirteen Key Diagnostic Tests
As an OB-GYN who treats osteoporosis with FDA-approved drugs, I'm opposed to the FDA's adding strontium citrate to their approved list of supplements.
First up, your profile suggests that you're not any kind of physician or medical professional qualified to dispense advice to patients. Secondly, strontium has never been tested in an American clinical trial and I hardly trust the likes of Servier.
Therefore, I've emailed the FDA with my plea not to add strontium. Sorry, but your blog just is another supplement hype without any real data.
Reply to Dr. Bones:
As more and more people have become aware of the importance of nutrients and supplements for their health-- and more dissatisfied with the medical establishment and the high prices of prescription drugs--the need for practical information on health issues has never been greater. I want to thank the researchers who have done work in the field of vitamins, supplements, and nutrition.
In answer to your personal attack, I am a retired medical professional(not a physician), avid reader on health and nutrition, and immensely qualified to tell my readers about strontium citrate, a supplement that I take myself and closely follow. I'll bet you can't say the same about the FDA-approved drugs for osteoporosis you are prescribing for others to take.
Secondly, strontium has been tested in American clinical trials. The most current trials are being conducted by Osteologix on strontium malonate, as reported on this blog.
Dear Dr. Bones,
Well, it's clear that your opposed to Strontium citrate, but entirely unclear what reasons you might give.
Your first point is entirely irrelevant--the issue is not one's list of degrees but the suitability of the compound for osteo treatment. Not to mention that it is a cheap appeal to authority--a logical fallacy taught in any critical reasoning course. I advise you to take one.
Your second 'reason' is hard to fathom. First, you appear to be wrong--as BoneLady has pointed out. Pretty good work for a non-MD, I'd say. But beyond that you instantiate a blinkered American-only attitude that has no place in scientific circles, or anywhere for that matter. So (a) what's wrong with Servier (maybe there is something afoot with the company, but you're just bandying about charges where explanation is needed--so tell us, please); (b) strontium has been widely studied in Europe, and by researchers who are not working at Servier, the maker of strontium ranalate. All of the research shows effective gains in bone density and very low side-effects profile. Some researchers still think there are outstanding questions, but virtually no one doubts its ability to increase density.
So the "Therefore" in your final paragraph is out of place: for the reasons you give provide NO basis for your action.
Because you are a professional in this area, I invite you to provide here for all our benefit, your reasons for rejecting the European research on strontium. It would be great to have it.
There has been a very recent study on strontium ranelate that reinforces previous studies which tell us of its dual mode of action, meaning it not only preserves old bone but allows for the growth of new bone, which means stronger bones. That's music to my ears. I'm happy my MD has a more open mind than you do for heaven sake. And BoneLady, many thanks for this excellent blog forum. Keep up the good work. I'm listening. And I will try later to post a link to the new study on strontium ranelate I refer to here. Ther's sooo much literature on Strontium Ranelate, it's hard to figure why DR. Bones appear to be so ill informed. But then lots of doctors don't care to do their homework like you have. J
Head-To-Head Study Shows That Protelos(R) (Strontium Ranelate) Builds Better Bone Than Bisphosphonate
Hello all,
I know many of us are taking strontium citrate and that Strontium Ranelate (SR) is not available here in the states So I thought this might be of interest to some. I realize when we take strontium citrate, that we are extrapolating from the literature on SR, but my personal view is that the widely available supplement may well be just as effective, since the active component of SR is roughly 680 mg of strontium, and the excipients may add little or perhaps nothing to its efficacy.
This is a summary of the full article for which I provide the citation: Rizzoli R, Felsenberg D, Laroche M et al. Oral Communication 37:Strontium ranelate has a more positive influence than alendronate on distal tibia cortical and trabecular bone microstructure in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 2009; 20:163-186(OC37)
And here is a short excerpt:
Unrivalled efficacy against fractures
Protelos has been shown to be well-tolerated and easy-to-use for patients.(3) Protelos' antifracture efficacy was recently highlighted in the European guidance demonstrating that Protelos has a broader range of efficacy compared to the other anti-osteoporotic agents and it has been proven to be effective in treating fractures at vertebral, nonvertebral and hip sites.(4) No other osteoporosis treatment has such long-term evidence showing efficacy in preventing fractures over 5 years.(5) This anti-fracture efficacy has also been shown to be sustained over eight years. (6)
"Manufacturers and distributors do not need FDA approval to sell their dietary supplements. This means that FDA does not keep a list of manufacturers, distributors or the dietary supplement products they sell." This is quoted from FDA's website.
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